CINEX aims to gauge the interest level among Curaçao Management Consultants in attending in-person courses offered by the Caribbean Institute of Management Consultants (CIMC).

Enhancing Consultants' skills in Curaçao will improve the preparation, management, and execution of consulting assignments, benefiting consultants, clients, and procurers of consulting services in both the public and private sectors.

Local businesses will have access to a pool of highly trained and certified management consultants, boosting their business performance and competitiveness. Trained consultants can also participate in regional (CARIFORUM) annual conferences and networking events, promoting regional collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the development of a robust local professional community.

The following two in-person courses are proposed for November 2024 (final date to be determined):

  • ISO 20700 Standard and Guidelines for Management Consultancy Services - This course provides essential structure and processes for consulting assignments. ISO 20700 Link >
  • Principles and Practices of Management Consulting (PPOMC) - This course offers deeper insights and enhances consulting skills and competencies. PPOMC. Link >

Please complete the form below to indicate your preference and provide your contact information. The deadline to respond to this expression of interest is August 30.

Form Link >

For additional information, please get in touch with Mr. Samuel Kruiner at

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