Local Entepreneur / TV Presentor Eugene Maduro started a clothing brand this year called "Simplicity of Black". Under the slogan "IT'S NOT WHAT YOU WEAR, IT'S WHAT YOU STAND FOR" the brand is introduced. The website states that black in fashion is an absolute go-to shade or color expressing class, elegance, power and sexiness. Furthermore it's stated that the brand encourages you to express yourself by customizing your messaging inspired by the continuous emancipation of humanity and fundamental values such as progress, social engagement, uniqueness, responsibility and inclusion.

On the website you can order clothes directly via the online shop. The online shop only offers men's -tshirts for now. The clothing line will consists of basic sports wear like pullovers, sweaters, shorts and T-shirts. We at Curalink are curious to what else they will bring. Eugene Maduro is a public figure that started as a presentor on TV. He is also locally knows as the founder of "Living Green Furniture". His company makes modern furniture designs with used wood from colonial buildings. His woodworks reflect the history of Curacao. Eugene was raised in Otrobanda. From a young age he collected objects from his own neighborhood and transformed them into wooden art works. We wish Eugene lots of success in his new endeavor as a clothing stylist.

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