The Hidden Green Movement is a photo-documentary about the local food production on Curaçao. This foundation wants to support community building by providing information and awareness for farmers and consumers. The initiators of the movement are Berber van Beek and Reina Keijzers. Berber is know on the island as a talented photographer and person that drives change. She uses her talents and knowhow to tell stories about pressing matters on the island. Reina is head of the Youth Federation Antilles (Federatie Antilliaanse Jeugdzorg). She is in charge with acquiring the nessicary funds for the project.

This movement aims to put the spotlight on the many farmers who are active on the island. Through the awareness campaign, the initiators want to encourage local consumers to purchase more locally produced food in order to stimulate these branches. The advantages of this are that the agricultural sector is stimulated, people start to eat healthier and Curacao becomes less dependent on food imports. On the Facebook page you can read about options for donating and supporting this movement.

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