In 2018 the event "Velos Latinoamerica" was first organized in Willemstad. It was a big success! Now after 4 years a second event is planned. The event starts on Tuesday June 7th and will continue till Sunday. This Saturday a concert will be held on Brionplein featuring different local and international artists like Alberto Barros, ERA and Icons. There is a mobile app available with information about the event.
In 2012, the XXV Inter-American Naval Conference was held in Cancun, Mexico. On the occasion, the assembled Commanders-in-Chief of the Armed Forces analyzed the continental repercussion and the valuable experience obtained during the development of "Velas Latinoamérica 2010", agreeing to repeat this undertaking every four years, renamed "Velas Latinoamérica", whose version 2014 would be organized by the Argentine Republic and that of the year 2018 by Chile. Willemstad with its natural harbor Annabay is a great location for such an event. You can walk along the shoreline and admire these tall ships up close inside and out. Especially for children, this is a memorable experience.