Film Office Website

April 17, 2020By CuralinkBusiness insider

The Curacao Film Office has an extensive website to attract producers within the film and advertising industry. This economic pillar can become an important source of income for Curacao. The website provides information about local production companies and freelancers in this branch. You can also find information about permits and locations. The Film Office is … Read More

Another two weeks ban on going out

April 15, 2020By CuralinkNews 1 Comment

Government officials have decided to continue the lockdown for another two weeks. At the end of this week, a new meeting will be held on the possible relaxation of this measure against the corona epidemic. There are now officially 14 corona infection cases registered on the island. It has been a week since the last … Read More

Samenwerkende Hulporganisaties Curaçao

April 14, 2020By CuralinkNews

Samenwerkende Hulporganisaties Curaçao is an organization initiated incorporating 7 social support groups on the island of Curacao. The general aim is to supply food packages with basic needs to families that can’t support themselves during this time of crisis. The Corona-pandemic was led to the loss of income for a lot of people on the … Read More

Scharloo Abou Platform one year

January 16, 2020By CuralinkNews 1 Comment

Scharloo Abou Digital Platform celebrated its one year anniversary today. The platform, an initiative of Nicole van Beusekom and Derek Durgaram, aims to spread information about this upcoming district through innovative ways. You can find touristic information, investment opportunities, news and event updates on the website and its supporting Social media channels. Check out these … Read More